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I’m So (Not) Over You – Kosoko Jackson


Mae cyfle i ailysgrifennu eu diweddglo yn werth y risg yn y gomedi ramantus hon gan Kosoko Jackson.

Mae misoedd wedi mynd heibio ers i’r newyddiadurwr uchelgeisiol Kian Andrews glywed gan ei gyn-gariad, Hudson Rivers, ond mae neges destun brys yn ei ddweud i gyfarfod mewn caffi. Efallai bod Hudson eisiau ymddiheuro, neu cyffesu ei gariad anfarwol… Ond na, mae Hudson yn gofyn i Kian esgus bod yn gariad iddo tra bod ei rieni yn y dref, ac mae Kian yn cytuno.

Nid yw’n mynd yn union fel y cynlluniwyd, ac yn sydyn mae Kian yn mynd gyda Hudson i briodas y tymor. Daw Hudson o deulu cyfoethog lle mae enw da yn bopeth, ac ni all fforddio camgymeriad arall. Os bydd Kian yn mynd, bydd yn helpu Hudson a chael cyfle i rwbio ysgwyddau â rhai o enwau mwyaf y cyfryngau.

Ond mae eu perthynas ffug yn dechrau teimlo y gallai fod yn fwy, ac mae’n bryd i’r ddau ddyn wirio eu teimladau.

A chance to rewrite their ending is worth the risk in this swoony romantic comedy from Kosoko Jackson.

It’s been months since aspiring journalist Kian Andrews has heard from his ex-boyfriend, Hudson Rivers, but an urgent text has them meeting at a café. Maybe Hudson wants to profusely apologize for the breakup. Or confess his undying love. . . But no, Hudson has a favor to ask—he wants Kian to pretend to be his boyfriend while his parents are in town, and Kian reluctantly agrees.

The dinner doesn’t go exactly as planned, and suddenly Kian is Hudson’s plus one to Georgia’s wedding of the season. Hudson comes from a wealthy family where reputation is everything, and he really can’t afford another mistake. If Kian goes, he’ll help Hudson preserve appearances and get the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the biggest names in media. This could be the big career break Kian needs.

But their fake relationship is starting to feel like it might be more than a means to an end, and it’s time for both men to fact-check their feelings.

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