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Coming Up for Air: What I Learned from Sport, Fame and Fatherhood – Tom Daley


Hunangofiant hynod bersonol ac ysbrydoledig gan un o’r enwau mwyaf enwog a dylanwadol ym myd chwaraeon Prydeinig. Cipiodd Tom Daley galonnau’r genedl gyda’i berfformiad bythgofiadwy lllawn medalau yng Ngemau Olympaidd Llundain 2012. Yn y Gemau eleni yn Tokyo, llwyddodd i ennill aur, a daeth yn blymiwr Prydeinig mwyaf medalog erioed.

Yn y llyfr hynod bersonol hwn, mae Tom yn edrych ar y profiadau sydd wedi ei lunio a’r rhinweddau y mae ei foddhad a’i lwyddiant yn ddyledus iddynt; o’r gwydnwch a ddatblygodd trwy cystadlu ar lefel o safon fyd-eang, i’r dewrder a ddarganfuodd wrth hawlio’r naratif o gwmpas ei rywioldeb, a’r persbectif y mae bywyd teuluol wedi dod ag ef. Yn ddiffiant ac yn graff, mae Coming Up for Air yn cynnig mewnwelediad unigryw i fywyd a meddylfryd un o’n hathletwyr mawr a mwyaf poblogaidd.

A deeply personal and inspiring memoir from one of the most celebrated and influential names in British sport. Tom Daley captured the hearts of the nation with his unforgettable medal-winning performance in the London 2012 Olympics. At this year’s Games in Tokyo, he triumphed to win gold and became the most decorated British diver of all time.

In this deeply personal book, Tom explores the experiences that have shaped him and the qualities to which he owes his contentment and success; from the resilience he developed competing at world-class level, to the courage he discovered while reclaiming the narrative around his sexuality, and the perspective that family life has brought him. Candid and perceptive, Coming Up for Air offers a unique insight into the life and mindset of one our greatest and most-loved athletes.

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