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The Art of Drag – Jake Hall


Cymerwch gipolwg ar ffenomen ddiwylliannol Drag, yn y canllaw darluniadol hyfryd hwn i hanes y ffenomen, o’r theatr hynafol i frenhinesau RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Mae drag wedi bod o gwmpas ers miloedd o flynyddoedd. Gyda gymysgedd o ffasiwn, theatr, rhywedd a gwleiddyddiaeth, mae drag yn adloniant ffabiwlys mae miliynau o bobl yn ei garu heddiw. Yn y gwaith cynhwysfar hwn, mae Jake Hall yn ymchwilio i’w ddechreuad hynafol hyd at heddiw.

Mae’r darluniadau bywiog yn cyfoethogi’r hanes o Kabuki, Shakespeare, terfysgoedd Stonewall a sîn dawnsfa Efrog Newydd. Dyma ganllaw hanfodol i fyd rhyfeddol drag.

Lights. Glamour. Action!

Take a peek into the cultural phenomenon that is Drag, in this lusciously illustrated guide to the history of the phenomenon, from ancient theatre to the queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Drag has been around for thousands of years. A fabulous mix of fashion, theatre, gender and politics all come together to create the show-stopping entertainment millions love today. In this comprehensive work, Jake Hall delves into its ancient beginnings, to the present day and beyond.

Vibrant illustrations enhance a rich history that ranges from Kabuki theatre to Shakespeare, and the revolutionary Stonewall riots to the still-thriving New York ballroom scene. This is a must-have guide to the wonderful world of Drag.

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