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The Accidental Diary of B. U. G.: Basically Famous – Jen Carney


Mae ysgol yn DDIDDOROL nawr. Mae dosbarth Billie yng nghanol dysgu am P.E.E. (peidiwch ac ofyn), ond nawr mae ganddyn nhw gysylltiadau pwysig yn y byd teledu! Os na fydd Janey’n wneud y “splits” yn rheolaidd er mwyn hel sylw, ac os na fydd mamau Billie yn tynnu ei sylw gyda rhywbeth enfawr cyfrinachol maent yn cynllunio… well gwyliwch mas, achos mae’n amser i B.U.G. wneud pethau MAWR!

School just got INTERESTING. Not only is Billie’s class learning how to P.E.E. in the classroom (don’t ask), they now have some very important contacts in the TV world. So as long as Janey McVey doesn’t keep doing the splits for attention, and Billie’s mums don’t keep distracting her with a huge secret thing they seem to be planning… well watch out, because it’s time for B.U.G. to make it BIG!

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