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The Pirate Mums – Lydia Corry


Nid yw teulu Billy yr hyn y byddech chi’n ei alw’n gyffredin. Ni fydd ei famau yn gwrando ar gerddoriaeth NORMAL. Maen nhw wrth eu bodd yn canu shantis môr a jigs dawnsio yn y lolfa.

Mae eu dillad yn anarferol iawn ac mae ganddyn nhw barot anghwrtais fel anifail anwes. Mae Billy eisiau i’w deulu fod yn debycach i deulu pawb arall, nes i antur newid popeth!

Billy’s family is not what you’d call ordinary. His mums won’t listen to NORMAL music. They love to sing sea shanties and dance jigs in the lounge.

Their clothes are highly unusual, they have a rude parrot for a pet, and their taste in house design is, well . . . FISHY.

Billy wishes his family could be more like everyone else’s. Until a swashbuckling adventure changes everything!

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