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Patsy – Nicole Dennis-Benn


RHYBUDD: Mae’r nofel yma yn cynnwys elfennau o’r canlynol: homoffobia, hiliaeth, cam-drin domestig (corfforol, emosiynol a rhywiol), cam-drin plant (corfforol, emosiynol a rhywiol), trais, trais rhywiol, feichiogrwydd, noethni, camesgoriad, hunan-niweidio a cheisiad o hunan-laddiad.

Llwyddwyd Patsy i gael fisa sy’n caniatáu iddi symud o Jamaica i Efrog Newydd, i ymuno gyda’i ffrind orau a’i chariad, Cicely.  Ond, i wneud, mae’n gadael ei merch, Tru, tu ôl.  Wrth iddi ddechrau ei bywyd yn yr Unol Daleithiau, mae’n Patsy yn dechrau difaru ei phenderfyniad.

Patsy yw’r chweched llyfr y dewison am glwb darllen Paned, Queer as Books.

CONTENT WARNING: This novel contains depictions of homophobia, racism, colourism, domestic abuse (physical and emotional), child abuse (physical, emotional and sexual), sexual assault, nudity, pregnancy, miscarriage, self-harm and attempted suicide.

Titular Patsy is ecstatic when she is finally granted a visa, allowing her to depart Jamaica and join her best friend and love, Cicely, in New York City.  To do so, she leaves behind her daughter, Tru, and this sacrifice may not be worth it as she soon realises that life in the United States of America does not match her expectations.

This was the sixth book selected for Paned o Gê’s digital book club, Queer as Books.

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