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Our Wives Under the Sea – Julia Armfield


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Wedi’i enwi fel llyfr i gadw llygad amdano yn 2022 gan Guardian, i-D, Autostraddle, Bustle, Good Housekeeping, Stylist a DAZED. Mae Miri yn meddwl ei bod wedi cael ei gwraig yn ôl, pan fydd Leah yn dychwelyd o’r diwedd ar ôl taith môr dwfn a ddaeth i ben mewn trychineb. Daw’n amlwg yn fuan, fodd bynnag, y gallai Leah fod wedi dod yn ôl yn anghywir.

Beth bynnag a ddigwyddodd yn y llong honno, beth bynnag yr oeddent i fod yn ei astudio cyn iddynt fynd yn sownd ar wely’r cefnfor, mae Leah wedi cario rhan ohono gyda hi, i dir sych ac i’w cartref. Dylai cael y fenyw y mae’n ei charu yn ôl olygu dychwelyd i fywyd normal, ond gall Miri deimlo Leah yn llithro o’i gafael. Mae atgofion o’r hyn oedd ganddyn nhw o’r blaen – y jôcs roedden nhw’n eu rhannu, y ffilmiau roedden nhw’n eu gwylio, yr holl bethau bach a wnaeth Leah yn her iddi – dim ond atgoffa Miri o’r hyn y gall hi ei golli.

Named as book to look out for in 2022 by Guardian, i-D, Autostraddle, Bustle, Good Housekeeping, Stylist and DAZED. Miri thinks she has got her wife back, when Leah finally returns after a deep sea mission that ended in catastrophe. It soon becomes clear, though, that Leah may have come back wrong.

Whatever happened in that vessel, whatever it was they were supposed to be studying before they were stranded on the ocean floor, Leah has carried part of it with her, onto dry land and into their home. To have the woman she loves back should mean a return to normal life, but Miri can feel Leah slipping from her grasp. Memories of what they had before – the jokes they shared, the films they watched, all the small things that made Leah hers – only remind Miri of what she stands to lose.

Living in the same space but suddenly separate, Miri comes to realize that the life that they had might be gone. Our Wives Under The Sea is the debut novel from the critically acclaimed author of salt slow. It’s a story of falling in love, loss, grief, and what life there is in the deep, deep sea.

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