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Our Big Day – Bob Johnston


Mae Wncwl David a Simon yn mynd i briodi! Mae lot i’w wneud, o’r gwahoddiadau i’r addurniadau ond pan fydd y modrwyau priodas yn mynd ar goll ychydig cyn y seremoni, mae’n rhaid i Bear y ci ddefnyddio ei holl sgiliau arbennig i helpu i achub y dydd!

Llyfr lluniau hwyliog a deniadol a dathliad twymgalon o gariad, teulu, priodasau a chydraddoldeb priodas.

Uncle David and Simon are going to get married! There’s lots to do, from making the invitations to arranging the decorations, but when the wedding rings go missing just before the ceremony, Bear the dog has to use all of his special skills to help save the day!

A fun and engaging picture book and a heart-warming celebration of love, family, weddings and marriage equality.

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