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One Last Stop – Casey McQuiston


Ar gyfer August, sy’n 23 oed a’n singaidd, mae symud i Efrog Newydd i fod i brofi ei bod hi’n iawn: nad yw pethau fel hud a straeon cariad sinematig yn bodoli, a’r unig ffordd glyfar o fynd trwy fywyd yw ar ben eich hun. Ni all ddychmygu sut y gallai gweithio mewn bwyty crempog a symud i mewn gyda gormod o gyd-letywyr rhyfedd newid hynny. Ac yn sicr nid oes unrhyw obaith y bydd ei chymudo tanlwybr yn ddim mwy nag ymdrech ddyddiol trwy ddiflastod.

Ond wedyn, mae’r ferch hyfryd yma ar y trên. Jane. Jane ddisglair, swynol, dirgel, amhosib. Jane gyda’i hymylon garw a’i gwên feddal, yn ymddangos mewn siaced ledr i achub dydd Awst pan oedd ei hangen hi fwyaf. Ond yn fuan iawn, mae hi’n darganfod bod yna un broblem fawr: nid yn unig mae Jane yn edrych fel ‘punk rocker.’ Mae hi llythrennol o’r 1970au, ac mae August yn mynd i orfod ddefnyddio popeth y ceisiodd ei adael yn ei orffennol i’w helpu. Efallai ei bod hi’n amser dechrau credu mewn rhai pethau, wedi’r cyfan.

For cynical twenty-three-year-old August, moving to New York City is supposed to prove her right: that things like magic and cinematic love stories don’t exist, and the only smart way to go through life is alone. She can’t imagine how waiting tables at a 24-hour pancake diner and moving in with too many weird roommates could possibly change that. And there’s certainly no chance of her subway commute being anything more than a daily trudge through boredom and electrical failures.

But then, there’s this gorgeous girl on the train. Jane. Dazzling, charming, mysterious, impossible Jane. Jane with her rough edges and swoopy hair and soft smile, showing up in a leather jacket to save August’s day when she needed it most. August’s subway crush becomes the best part of her day, but pretty soon, she discovers there’s one big problem: Jane doesn’t just look like an old school punk rocker. She’s literally displaced in time from the 1970s, and August is going to have to use everything she tried to leave in her own past to help her. Maybe it’s time to start believing in some things, after all.

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