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My Dad Thinks I’m a Boy?!: A Trans Positive Children’s Book – Sophie Labelle


‘Mae Dad yn meddwl fy mod yn fachgen o’r enw Stephen sy’n hoffi reslo a physgota. Ond dyna beth mae e’n ei hoffi.’

Mae Stephie yn 7 oed. Mae hi’n hoffi bygiau, llyfrau a sbageti. Hefyd, mae hi’n ferch… a ddylai fod yn eithaf hawdd i’w deall, reit? Wel, nid ar gyfer ei Thad! Mae wedi bod yn ei chamgymryd am fachgen ers iddi gael ei geni ac mae’n cael trafferth ei gweld am bwy yw hi.

Mae’r llyfr pwerus a dyrchafol hwn ar gyfer plant 6 – 9 oed a’u teuluoedd yn portreadu’n ddoniol sefyllfa sy’n aml yn rhy gyffredin, lle mae plentyn traws yn cael ei orfodi i drafod rhwng ei wir hunan a chariad ei rieni.

Gyda darluniau, a chanllaw i oedolion, mae’n llyfr perffaith i helpu i ddangos i blant nad oes neb arall yn cael penderfynu pwy ydym ni.

‘My Dad thinks I’m a boy named Stephen who likes wrestling and fishing. But that’s what my Dad likes.’

Stephie is 7 years old. She likes bugs, books and spaghetti. Also, she’s a girl… which should be pretty easy to understand, right? Well, not for her Dad! He’s been mistaking her for a boy since she was born and struggles to see her for who she is.

This powerful and uplifting book for children aged 6 – 9 and their families humorously portrays a situation that is often too common, where a trans child is forced to negotiate between their true self and their parents’ love.

With amusing illustrations, and a useful guide for adults, it’s the perfect book to help show children that no one else than ourselves gets to decide who we are.

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