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Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World – Ashley Herring-Blake


Ar ôl i gorwynt ddinistrio’i thŷ a dadleoli ei theulu, mae Ivy Everdeen yn teimlo’n anweledig, a’i bod wedi cael ei hanwyddu. Yn waeth fyth, mae’i llyfr sy’n llawn lluniadau o ferched yn dal dwylo gyda merched arall wedi diflannu. Yn rhyfeddol, mae ei lluniadau yn dechrau ailymddangos yn ei locker, gyda nodiadau gan rhywun anghysbus sy’n annog iddi siarad yn agored am ei hunaniaeth.

When a tornado rips through town, twelve-year-old Ivy Aberdeen’s house is destroyed and her family of five is displaced. Ivy feels invisible and ignored in the aftermath of the storm–and what’s worse, her notebook filled with secret drawings of girls holding hands with girls has gone missing. Mysteriously, Ivy’s drawings begin to reappear in her locker with notes from someone telling her to speak openly about her identity.

Ivy thinks–and hopes–that this someone might be her classmate, another girl for whom Ivy has begun to develop feelings. Spoiler: In the end, the drawings and messages are being sent by Ivy’s best friend, Taryn, and unfortunately the girl Ivy has feelings for doesn’t return them–but the novel ends on a tone of hope for Ivy and her identity. Titles featuring prominent LGBTQ characters have been gradually finding their way to the young adult shelves–but even rarer are middle grade books featuring LGBTQ protagonists.

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