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In the Dream House – Carmen Maria Machado


RHYBUDD: Mae’r llyfr yma yn cynnwys portreadau o gam-drin domestig (ar lafar, emosiynol a chorfforol), trais, homoffobia, rhywiaeth, fatffobia, noethni, rhyw a chyfeiriadau tuag at drais rhywiol a llofruddiaeth.

Yn y cofiant arloesol yma, ail-adroddwyd Carmen Maria Machado ei phrofiad fel menyw mewn perthynas treisgar â menyw arall.  Wrth wneud, adeiladwyd archif angenrheidiol i’r gymuned LHDTC+ am y pwnc yma.

Yr wythfed llyfr a ddewiswyd am glwb llyfrau digidol Paned o Gê, Queer as Books.

CONTENT WARNING: This text contains depictions of domestic abuse (verbal, emotional and physical), violence, homophobia, sexism, fatphobia, nudity, sex and references to sexual assault and murder.

‘Most types of domestic abuse are completely legal.’ – In the Dream House, Carmen Maria Machado

Innovative in form and utterly necessary, In the Dream House recounts Machado’s experience of domestic abuse in a relationship with another queer women.  As she does so, she successfully assembles a comprehensive archive on the topic, a reference point for the community to use henceforth on this issue.

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