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Fabulous Frankie gol. gan/ed. by Simon James Green + Garry Parsons


Gan yr awdur arobryn Simon a darlunydd Garry Parsons, daw’r llyfr lluniau hwn, wedi’i ddarlunio’n hyfryd, am yr hyn y mae’n ei olygu i fod yn ffabiwlys!

Y cyfan mae Frankie eisiau yw bod yn ffabiwlys! Ond mae cymaint o fflamingos ffabiwlys o’i amgylch, felly sut ar y ddaear y gall sefyll allan o’r dorf? Efallai y bydd ffrindiau Frankie yn ei helpu i ddysgu’r peth pwysicaf oll: y ffordd i fod yn ffabiwlys yw bod CHI!

Story hynod doniol, gyda darluniau gan Garry Parsons, darlunydd poblogaidd The Dinosaur Who Pooped.

Y llyfr perffaith ar gyfer unrhyw plentyn sydd angen mwy o hyder. Gyda clawr o ffoil glas sgleiniog, dyma’r anrheg perffaith.

Hefyd ar gael gan Simon a Garry: Llama Glamarama.

From award-winning Simon James Green and bestselling Garry Parsons comes this beautifully-told, gorgeously illustrated picture book about what it REALLY means to be fabulous!

All Frankie wants is to be fabulous! But, SIGH!, he’s literally surrounded by so many fabulous flamingos, so how on earth can he stand out from the crowd? Maybe, just maybe, Frankie’s friends will help him learn the most important thing of all: the best way to be fabulous is to be YOU! Wonderfully funny story by award-winning author, Simon James Green.

Beautiful illustrations by Garry Parsons, the bestselling illustrator of The Dinosaur Who Pooped series.

The perfect picture book for any child who needs reassurance or a confidence boost.

With super shiny blue foil on the cover, this book is the perfect gift.

Also available by Simon and Garry: Llama Glamarama.

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