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Heather Has Two Mummies – Leslea Newman


Dau yw hoff rif Heather – mae ganddi dwy fraich, dwy goes, dau anifail anwes, a dau fam arbennig! Ond ar ei diwrnod cyntaf yn yr ysgol, mae rhywun yn gofyn am ei thad… a does ganddi ddim tad! Ond wedyn, mae’r dosbarth i gyd yn tynnu lluniau o’u teuluoedd, a mae pob llun yn hollol wahanol…

Yn fuan mae Heather a’i chyd-ddisgyblion yn dysgu does dim ots pwy sy’n ffurfio teulu. Beth sy’n bwysig yw’r ffaith bod pawb yn caru ei gilydd!

New in the UK, a rediscovered modern classic for today’s generation in an updated, beautifully illustrated edition. All but unavailable since 2009, this delightful, important modern classic is back by public demand – revitalised in an updated, beautifully illustrated new edition for young readers. Celebrated author Leslea Newman and bestselling illustrator Laura Cornell tell the story of a little girl called Heather.

Heather’s favourite number is two – she has two arms, two legs, two pets and two lovely mummies. But when Heather goes to school for the first time, someone asks her about her daddy … and Heather doesn’t have a daddy! But then the class all draw portraits of their families, and not one single drawing is the same.

Heather and her classmates realize – it doesn’t matter who makes up a family, the most important thing is that all the people in it love one another very much.

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