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You Exist Too Much – Zaina Arafat


RHYBUDD: Mae’r llyfr yma yn cynnwys portreadau o drais domestig (corfforol ac emosiynol), camdrin plant (corfforol ac emosiynol), godineb, defnydd cyffuriau ac alcohol, beichiogrwydd a rhyw.

Adroddwyd prif gymeriad Arafat ei stori am adael Efrog Newydd am gwrs ysgrifennu creadigol yng nghanol yr Unol Daleithiau.  Cyn dechrau yna, mae hi’n mynychu canolfan hunan-wella yn Kentucky i fyfyrio ar ei pherthnasau i’w hun, i ryw, i gariad ac yn bennaf, i’w mam.

CONTENT WARNING: This novel contains depictions of domestic abuse (physical and emotional), child abuse (physical and emotional), adultery, drug and alcohol use, pregnancy and sex.

Told in a number of vignettes, alternating between Nablus, Washington D. C. and other locations, Arafat’s unnamed protagonist’s acceptance into a writing programme in mid-America spurs her to leave New York City, conveniently coinciding with the dissolution of her relationship.  Before restarting her education, she enters a wellness retreat in Kentucky, to consider her betrayal of previous partners and her volatile relationship with her mother, to whom she recently came out.

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