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Yesterday is History – Kosoko Jackson


Rhamant epig am fachgen wedi’i rwygo rhwng dau gariad, un yn ei bresennol ac un yn y gorffennol. Stori am hanes cwiar Du, cariad, colled, a dysgu i aros yn y funud cyn iddo fynd heibio.

Wythnosau yn ôl, cafodd Andre Cobb drawsblaniad iau. Mae’n barod i’w fywyd ddechrau o’r diwedd, tan un noson, pan fydd yn deffro yn rhywle cwbl annisgwyl… yn 1969, lle mae’n cysylltu â bachgen o’r enw Michael. Ac yna, yr un mor sydyn ag y cyrhaeddodd, mae’n llithro’n ôl i Boston heddiw, lle mae teulu ei roddwr yn aros i egluro bod ei iau newydd wedi dod â sgil-effaith y gallu i deithio mewn amser. Ac maen nhw wedi gofyn i’w mab ieuengaf, Blake, ddysgu Andre sut i ddefnyddio ei anrheg newydd annisgwyl.

Michael yw popeth y mae Andre yn ei ddymuno y gallai fod, ac mae Blake, sy’n dal ei effeithio gan farwolaeth ei frawd, yn ei gadw hyd braich, er gwaethaf eu hatyniad amlwg i’w gilydd. Wedi’i rwygo rhwng dau fachgen, mae’n rhaid i Andre ddarganfod ble mae’n perthyn – ac yn bwysicach fyth pwy mae am fod – cyn i ganlyniadau neidio mewn amser ddal i fyny ato a newid ei ddyfodol am byth.

An epic, heartfelt romance about a boy torn between two loves, one in his present … and one in the past. A story of Black queer history, love, loss, and learning to stay in the moment before it passes you by.

Weeks ago, Andre Cobb received a much-needed liver transplant. He’s ready for his life to finally begin, until one night, when he passes out and wakes up somewhere totally unexpected… in 1969, where he connects with a magnetic boy named Michael. And then, just as suddenly as he arrived, he slips back to present-day Boston, where the family of his donor is waiting to explain that his new liver came with a side effect-the ability to time travel.

And they’ve tasked their youngest son, Blake, with teaching Andre how to use his unexpected new gift. Andre splits his time bouncing between the past and future. Between Michael and Blake.

Michael is everything Andre wishes he could be, and Blake, still reeling from the death of his brother, Andre’s donor, keeps him at arm’s length despite their obvious attraction to each other. Torn between two boys, one in the past and one in the present, Andre has to figure out where he belongs-and more importantly who he wants to be-before the consequences of jumping in time catch up to him and change his future for good.

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