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We Do What We Do in the Dark – Michelle Hart


Mae Mallory’n gweld y fenyw am y tro cyntaf yng nghampfa’r coleg. Fel person naturiol swil sydd newydd golli ei mam, mae Mallory yn cael ei gorfodi gan sicrwydd y fenyw, ac yn hiraethu i’w hadnabod yn well. Er gwaethaf y darganfyddiad ei bod yn athro yn y coleg, mae Mallory cwympo mewn i berthynas gymhleth gyda’r fenyw.

Yn y blynyddoedd sy’n dilyn, rhaid i Mallory ddod i delerau â sut y gwnaeth y berthynas ei llunio, er gwell neu er gwaeth, a dysgu dod yn rhan o’r byd a aberthodd er mwyn menyw nad oedd hi erioed yn ei hadnabod mewn gwirionedd.

Yn y nofel gyntaf gyfareddol hon, mae cymhlethdodau dylanwad, obsesiwn, ac edmygedd yn datgelu sut y gall chwant a’i ganlyniadau newid trywydd bywyd.

Mallory sees the woman for the first time at her college gym and is immediately transfixed. As a naturally reserved person who is now reeling from the loss of her mother, Mallory finds herself compelled by the woman’s assurance, and longs to know her better.

Despite the discovery that she is a professor at the college, Mallory finds herself falling into a complicated love affair with the woman, the stakes of which she never quite understands.

In the years that follow, Mallory must come to terms with how the relationship shaped her, for better or worse, and learn to become a part of the world that she sacrificed for the sake of a woman she never truly knew.

In this enthralling debut novel, the complexities of influence, obsession, and admiration reveal how desire and its consequences can alter the trajectory of a life.

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