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Upright Women Wanted – Sarah Gailey


Yn Upright Women Wanted, mae awdur arobryn Sarah Gailey yn ailddyfeisio’r ‘Western pulp’ gyda stori hynod wrth-ffasgaidd, yn y dyfodol agos, am hunaniaeth cwiar.

“That girl’s got more wrong notions than a barn owl’s got mean looks.”

Mae Esther yn stowoway. Mae hi wedi cuddio ei hun i ffwrdd yn wagen lyfrau’r Llyfrgellydd mewn ymgais i ddianc rhag y briodas y mae ei thad wedi’i threfnu ar ei chyfer–priodas â’r dyn a ddyweddïodd gynt â’i ffrind gorau.

Ei ffrind gorau yr oedd hi mewn cariad ag hi. Mae De-orllewin America’r dyfodol yn llawn lladron, ffasgwyr, ac ysbiwyr llyfrgellydd cwiar ar gefn ceffyl yn ceisio gwneud y peth iawn.

In Upright Women Wanted, award-winning author Sarah Gailey reinvents the pulp Western with an explicitly antifascist, near-future story of queer identity.

“That girl’s got more wrong notions than a barn owl’s got mean looks.”

Esther is a stowaway. She’s hidden herself away in the Librarian’s book wagon in an attempt to escape the marriage her father has arranged for her–a marriage to the man who was previously engaged to her best friend.

Her best friend who she was in love with. Her best friend who was just executed for possession of resistance propaganda. The future American Southwest is full of bandits, fascists, and queer librarian spies on horseback trying to do the right thing.

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