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Manhunt – Gretchen Felker-Martin


Mae Beth a Fran yn treulio’u dyddiau’n teithio ar arfordir New England, yn hela dynion gwyllt ac yn cynaeafu eu horganau mewn ymdrech erchyll i sicrhau na fyddant byth yn wynebu’r un ffawd.

Mae Robbie yn byw wrth ei wn ac un rheol: nid yw pobl eraill yn ddiogel.

Ar ôl i ddamwain cydblethu’r tri ohonyn nhw, mae’n rhaid i’r oroeswyr lywio TERFs llofruddiol, biliwnydd sociopathig, a deinameg perthnasoedd lletchwith – i gyd wrth redeg oddi wrth ddynion gwyllt, a’u cythreuliaid eu hunain.

Mae Manhunt yn ymateb amserol, pwerus i bob stori dystopaidd am rywedd a fethodd ag ystyried bodolaeth pobl drawsryweddol ac anneuaidd, o lais newydd pwerus mewn arswyd.

Beth and Fran spend their days traveling the ravaged New England coast, hunting feral men and harvesting their organs in a gruesome effort to ensure they’ll never face the same fate.

Robbie lives by his gun and one hard-learned motto: other people aren’t safe.

After a brutal accident entwines the three of them, this found family of survivors must navigate murderous TERFs, a sociopathic billionaire bunker brat, and awkward relationship dynamics―all while outrunning packs of feral men, and their own demons.

Manhunt is a timely, powerful response to every gender-based apocalypse story that failed to consider the existence of transgender and non-binary people, from a powerful new voice in horror.

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