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This Way Out – Tufayel Ahmed


Mae’n bryd i bawb wybod y gwir, a pha ffordd well o gyhoeddi eich bod chi’n priodi (a’n hoyw) nag ar grŵp WhatsApp eich teulu?

Ni all Amar aros i ddweud ei newyddion gwych wrth bawb. Ond mae’n troi allan efallai nad cyhoeddi ar sgwrs grŵp oedd y ffordd orau i adael i’w deulu caeth o Fangladesh wybod bod ei bartner yn ddyn – ac yn ddyn gwyn ar hynny.

Roedd Amar yn disgwyl ymateb gan ei bedwar brawd a chwaer, ond mae’n anfon tonnau sioc ar draws y gymuned ac yn dechrau chwalu eu huned deuluol, sydd eisoes yn fregus wedi marwolaeth eu mam. Yn sydyn mae Amar yn cwestiynu popeth yr oedd unwaith yn credu ynddo: ei ffydd, ei ddiwylliant, ei deulu, cariad ei fam – a hyd yn oed ei berthynas â Joshua. Roedd Amar yn siŵr ei fod yn gwybod beth oedd ystyr cariad, ond a oedd yn gwbl anghywir?

Nid yw erioed wedi meddwl am ei berthynas â Joshua fel stori garu – maen nhw’n cyd-fynd â’i gilydd, fel dau hanner y cyfan. Ond os gallant gysoni eu gwahaniaethau â diwylliant Amar, a allai fod gobaith am ei berthynas â’i deulu hefyd? Ac a allai’r holl drychineb hon droi’n stori garu wedi’r cyfan?

It’s time everyone knew the truth, and what better way to announce you’re getting married (and gay) than on your family WhatsApp group?

Amar can’t wait to tell everyone his wonderful news: he’s found The One, and he’s getting married. But it turns out announcing his engagement on a group chat might not have been the best way to let his strict Muslim Bangladeshi family know that his happy-ever-after partner is a man―and a white man at that.

Amar expected a reaction from his four siblings, but his bombshell sends shockwaves throughout the community and begins to fracture their family unit, already fragile from the death of their mother. Suddenly Amar is questioning everything he once believed in: his faith, his culture, his family, his mother’s love―and even his relationship with Joshua. Amar was sure he knew what love meant, but was he just plain wrong?

He’s never thought of his relationship with Joshua as a love story―they just fit together, like two halves of a whole. But if they can reconcile their differences with Amar’s culture, could there be hope for his relationship with his family too? And could this whole disaster turn into a love story after all?

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