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The Third Person – Emma Grove


Cofiant bythgofiadwy am drawma a’r rhwystrau i ofal iechyd sy’n cadarnhau rhywedd.

Yn ystod gaeaf 2004, mae menyw swil o’r enw Emma yn eistedd yn swyddfa Toby. Mae Emma yn drawsryweddol, ac wedi mynd i Toby am gymeradwyaeth ar gyfer therapi amnewid hormonau. Mae Emma wedi ymddangos yn y sesiynau therapi fel menyw ifanc hyderus o’r enw Katina, a workaholic isel o’r enw Ed. Ychydig iawn o gof sydd ganddi, os o gwbl, o’i gweithredoedd wrth gyflwyno fel y ddau berson arall hyn.

Wrth i Toby gofyn am ei phlentyndod, rydym yn darganfod cliwiau am orffennol cythryblus Emma a sut a pham y gallai’r ddau berson arall hyn fod wedi dod i fodolaeth. Wrth i Toby jyglo trin tri pherson ar wahân, pob un â’i bersonoliaethau a’u hatgofion unigryw eu hunain, mae’n gorfod darganfod os mae Emma yn actio neu os mae ganddi Anhwylder Hunaniaeth Ddatgysylltiol. Mae The Third Person yn gofiant cyntaf difyr gan Emma Grove.

Wedi’i dynnu mewn llinellau trwchus, emosiynol, mae Grove wedi creu darluniad unigol, gafaelgar o’r groesffordd rhwng hunaniaethau a thrawma. Mae The Third Person yn dyst i bwysigrwydd cael lle i iacháu a byw’n ddilys.

A boldly drawn, unforgettable memoir about trauma and the barriers to gender affirming health care. In the winter of 2004, a shy woman named Emma sits in Toby’s office. She wants to share this wonderful new book she s reading, but Toby, her therapist, is concerned with other things.

Emma is transgender, and has sought out Toby for approval for hormone replacement therapy. Emma has shown up at the therapy sessions as an outgoing, confident young woman named Katina, and a depressed, submissive workaholic named Ed. She has little or no memory of her actions when presenting as these other two people.

And then Toby asks about her childhood. As the story unfolds, we discover clues as to Emma’s troubled past and how and why these other two people may have come into existence. As Toby juggles treating three separate people, each with their own unique personalities and memories, he begins to wonder if Emma is merely acting out to get attention, or if she actually has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Is she just a troubled woman in need of help? And is the third person in her brain protecting her, or derailing her chances of ever finding peace? The Third Person is a riveting memoir from newcomer Emma Grove.

Drawn in thick, emotive lines, with the refined style of a comics vet, Grove has created a singular, gripping depiction of the intersection of identities and trauma. The Third Person is a testament to the importance of having the space to heal and live authentically.

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