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Some Body to Love: A Family Story – Alexandra Heminsley


Ar ôl profiadau megis dod yn rhiant yn gynnar, problemau ffrwythlondeb a  genedigaeth, dywedwyd ei ŵr wrth Alexandra Heminsley ei bod hi am drawsnewid. Some Body to Love yw cofiant agored Alex am golli partner ond ennill ffrind gorau,  eu amser yn magu babi a gyda’i gilydd.

Alexandra Heminsley thought she knew, but then her world turned inside out. Having just resurfaced from fertility issues, childbirth and early parenthood, she was told her then-husband was going to transition. Some Body to Love is Alex’s profoundly open-hearted memoir about losing a partner but gaining a best friend, and together bringing up a baby in a changing world.

By baring her own unique scars, Heminsley makes a vital manifesto on the unifying resilience that can be found in modern motherhood.

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