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Skulduggery Pleasant: Dead or Alive – Derek Landy


Dyma’r 14eg nofel yn y gyfres Skullduggery Pleasant. Mewn un chwiliad olaf ar gyfer Plentyn y Rhai Di-Wyneb, yr un sydd i fod i ddychwelyd gor-arglwyddi hynafol dyn yn nôl i’r bywyd, bydd bilynnau o fywydau yn dod i ben ar unwaith. Er mwyn atal hyn rhag ddigwydd, bydd rhaid i Skullduggery a Valkyrie lofruddio Damocles Creed. Ond gyda brotestiau’n troi yn y ddinas Roarhaven, a chwildroadau ar y gorwel, bydd rhaid i Valkyrie ddewis pwy mae hi eisiau bod – yr arwr sydd yn risgio popeth, neu’r llofrudd sy’n aberthu ei henaid ei hun am ddynged dyn…

Skulduggery, Valkyrie and Omen return in the 14th and penultimate novel in the internationally bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series – and their most epic test yet… In a matter of days, the world will change. Billions of lives will be wiped away in a final, desperate search for the Child of the Faceless Ones — she who is destined to bring about the return of humankind’s ancient overlords. To prevent this, Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain have one last – terrible – option: the assassination of Damocles Creed. With protests stirring in the magical city of Roarhaven, with riots and revolutions on the horizon, Valkyrie must decide who she wants to be: the hero who risks everything for a noble ideal, or the killer who sacrifices her own soul for the fate of humanity. The decision must be made, and time is running out.


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