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Queer Square Mile: Queer Short Stories from Wales gol. gan/ed. by Kirsty Bohata, Mihangel Morgan + Huw Osbourne


Cyfrol sy’n torri tir newydd wrth drafod traddodiad llenyddiaeth a dyfodd o’r gymuned hoyw a thrawsrywiol yng Nghymru. O fewn y traddodiad mae straeon ysbryd a gwyddonias ynghyd â llenyddiaeth ddiwydiannol a moderniaeth swrealaidd, a cheir ynddynt straeon am gariad, colled a thrawsnewidiad.

This ground-breaking volume makes visible a long and diverse tradition of queer writing from Wales. Spanning genres from ghost stories and science fiction to industrial literature and surrealist modernism, these are stories of love, loss and transformation.

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