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My Footprints – Basia Tran + Bao Phi


Mae pob plentyn yn teimlo’n wahanol mewn rhyw ffordd, one mae Thuy’n teimlo’n arbennig o wahanol. Mae hi’n deillio o Fietnam ac mae ganddi dwy fam.

Ond pan mae hi’n cerdded adref un prynhawn, yn grac ac yn unig ar ôl iddi gael ei bwlio, mae aderyn yn tynnu’i sylw, ac mae’r ddau yn mentro ar siwrnau dychmygol. Both os oedd hi’n gallu hedfan fel aderyn, sbrintio fel carw, neu rhuo fel arth? Gan ddynwared olion traed y creadurion yn yr eira, mae Thuy’n dychwelyd yn ôl i’w famiau. Gyda’i gilydd, mae’r tair ohonynt yn dychmygu creadurion prydferth, pwerus, a dewr – yn union fel Thuy.

Every child feels different in some way, but Thuy feels “doubly different”. She is of Vietnamese origin and she has two mums. Thuy walks home one winter afternoon, angry and lonely after a bully’s taunts.

Then a bird catches her attention and sets Thuy on an imaginary exploration. What if she could fly away like a bird? What if she could sprint like a deer, or roar like a bear? Mimicking the footprints of each creature in the snow, she makes her way home to the arms of her mums. Together, the three of them imagine beautiful and powerful creatures who always have courage – just like Thuy.

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