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Lost in the Never Woods – Aiden Thomas


Pum mlynedd ers ddiflaniad Wendy a’i dau brodyr, mae gwestiynnau yn codi unwaith eto am amgylchiadau i’r dau brawd. Mewn ymgais i ddianc o’i gorffennol, mae Wendy bron yn bwrw bachgen anymwybodol sy’n gorwedd yng nghanol y ffordd…

Pan mae Peter, bachgen nid oedd Wendy yn credu ei fod yn bodoli tu allan o’r straeon, yn gofyn am help i ddod o hyd i’r plant coll, fydd rhaid i Wendy wynebu beth sydd yn arod amdani yn y coed.

Something sinister waits within the trees…

It’s been five years since Wendy and her two brothers went missing in the woods, but when the town’s children start to disappear, the questions surrounding her brothers’ mysterious circumstances are brought back into the light. Attempting to flee her past, Wendy almost runs over an unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road…

Peter, a boy she thought lived only in her stories, asks for Wendy’s help to rescue the missing kids. But, in order to find them, Wendy must confront what’s waiting for her in the woods.

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