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Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution – Kacen Callender


Pan mae Lark, awdur anneuaidd, niwroamrywiol ac uchelgeisiol 17 oed yn esgus mai nhw sydd wedi creu edefyn firaol y mae eu cyn-ffrind gorau, Kasim, wedi’i bostio’n ddamweiniol ar eu cyfrif Twitter, gan ddatgan ei gariad di-alw, mae pethau’n mynd mas o law yn gyflym… Wrth i gelwydd Lark ddyfnhau a maen nhw’n dechrau perthynas enwog, mae Lark yn chwilio am y dewrder i ddweud y gwir a darganfod sut y gall eu hunan-gariad fod yn chwyldroadol.

When 17-year-old nonbinary, neurodivergent and aspiring writer Lark pretends that they are the creator of a viral thread that their ex-best friend, Kasim, accidentally posted onto their Twitter account, declaring his unrequited love, things get out of hand fast. As Lark’s lie deepens and they begin a famous relationship with their own crush, Lark searches for the courage to speak the truth and discover how their own self-love can be a revolution.

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