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Here the Whole Time – Vitor Martins


Ni all Felipe aros am wyliau’r gaeaf: O’r diwedd, bydd yn cael peth amser i ffwrdd oddi wrth y cyd-ddisgyblion sy’n ei bryfocio’n ddi-baid am ei bwysau.

Ond mae cynllun Felipe yn troi wyneb i waered pan ddaw i wybod y bydd Caio, ei gymydog o fflat 57, yn aros gydag ef am 15 diwrnod. Sy’n broblem oherwydd (a) mae Felipe wedi cael teimladau am Caio ers, wel, am byth; a (b) Mae gan Felipe ansicrwydd delwedd corff a DIM syniad o gwbl sut mae’n mynd i’w trin wrth rannu ystafell gyda Caio.

Yn sydyn, mae’r dyddiau a oedd unwaith yn addo gorffwys ac ymlacio (heb sôn am Netflix) yn her i bob mater sydd heb ei ddatrys ym mywyd Felipe. Ond os gall oresgyn ei ansicrwydd, yna efallai — efallai — na fydd y toriad hwn yn gymaint o drychineb wedi’r cyfan…

Felipe can’t wait for winter break: Finally, he’ll get some time away from the classmates who tease him incessantly about his weight.

But Felipe’s plan turns upside down when he learns that Caio, his neighbor from apartment 57, will be staying with him for fifteen days. Which is a problem because (a) Felipe has had a crush on Caio since, well, forever; and (b) Felipe has a list of body image insecurities and absolutely NO idea how he’s going to handle them while sharing a room with his lifelong crush.

Suddenly, the days that once promised rest and relaxation (not to mention some epic Netflix bingeing) are a gauntlet of every unresolved issue in Felipe’s life. But if he can overcome his insecurities, then maybe — just maybe — this break won’t turn out to be such a disaster after all…

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