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Forbidden Lives: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Stories from Wales – Norena Shopland


RHYBUDD: Mae’r llyfr yma yn cynnwys portreadau a chyfeiriadau tuag at homoffobia, casineb yn erbyn menywod, trawsffobia, defnydd cyffuriau ac alcohol, anffurfio organau cenhedlu a marwolaeth.

Casglwyd Norena Shopland hanes nifer o ffigyrau hanesyddol LHDTC+ Cymraeg yn y llawlyfr cymhwysol yma. O bobl bydenwog megis y Merched Llangollen, i feirdd fel Cranogwen a’r ‘Welsh Sappho,’ Katherine Philips, gwleidyddion a dylanwadodd newid yn y gyfraith i helpu dad-droseddoli pobl LHDTC+, fel Leo Abse, a mwy.

CONTENT WARNING: This text contains references to homophobia, misogyny, sexism, transphobia, drug and alcohol use, genital mutilation and death.

Norena Shopland’s comprehensive collection unearths and recounts the lives of LGBTQIA+ folx from Welsh history, including the world-famous Ladies of Llangollen, the ‘Welsh Sappho’ Katherine Philips, the decadent Fifth Marquess of Anglesey, the renowned Cranogwen and so many more. The text also dispenses plenty of information about the LGBTQ+ history and legislation in Wales and the United Kingdom, including those who influenced it such as Leo Abse, MP.

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