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Babycakes – Armistead Maupin


Mae’r cymeriadau a lenwodd dudalennau’r tri llyfr Tales of the City cyntaf yn ôl. Mae gŵr tŷ cyffredin a’i wraig uchelgeisiol yn darganfod bod hi’n waith caled creu babi. Mae cymorth annisgwyl yn cyrraedd ar ffurf un o’r frenhiniaeth, cymydog hoyw sy’n galaru, a chylch rhyngwladol o briodferched trwy’r post.

The characters that filled the pages of the three earlier Tales of the City books with love and laughter are at it again.

An ordinary house-husband and his ambitious wife discover there’s more to making a baby than meets the eye.

Unexpected help arrives in the form of a British monarch, a grieving gay neighbour, and an international ring of mail-order brides.

Armistead Maupin has written a comedy of manners for our times.

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