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All of You Every Single One – Beatrice Hitchman


Wedi’i gosod yn Fienna rhwng 1910 a 1946, mae All of You Every Single One yn nofel atmosfferig, wreiddiol, a theimladwy am deulu, rhyddid, a sut y gallai gwir gariad oroesi’r amhosib. Mae Julia Lindqvist, menyw sydd wedi priodi’n anhapus i ddramodydd enwog o Sweden, yn gadael ei gŵr i ddechrau affer angerddol gyda theiliwr benywaidd o’r enw Eve. Mae’r pâr yn rhedeg i ffwrdd gyda’i gilydd, yn cwympo mewn cariad, llywio heriau eu hannibyniaeth newydd, ac yn dod o hyd i gymuned yn ardal Iddewig y ddinas.

Ond mae dyhead Julia am blentyn yn taflu eu hapusrwydd bregus i anhrefn ac yn bygwth dinistrio ei bywyd hi a bywydau’r rhai sydd agosaf ati. Mae teulu diwydiannwr cyfoethog Ada Bauer wedi ei hanfon at Dr Freud yn y gobaith y gall wella ei mutistiaeth – a gwneud hynny heb sgandal.

Ond buan iawn y daw help i Ada o le annisgwyl, gan newid bywydau yn ddiwrthdro.

Trwy fywydau ei chymeriadau cwiar, ac yn erbyn cefndir cyfnewidiol un o ddinasoedd mwyaf yr oes, mae Hitchman yn gofyn sut beth yw byw trwy ormes, sut mae penderfyniadau personol yn dod yn wleidyddol, a pha mor bell yr awn i amddiffyn y rhai y maent cariad. Gan symud ar draws Ewrop a thrwy ddegawdau, mae nofel sophomore Hitchman yn bortread hynod deimladwy o fywyd a chariad ar gyrion hanes.

Set in Vienna from 1910 to 1946, All of You Every Single One is an atmospheric, original, and deeply moving novel about family, freedom, and how true love might survive impossible odds. Julia Lindqvist, a woman unhappily married to a famous Swedish playwright, leaves her husband to begin a passionate affair with a female tailor named Eve. The pair run away together and settle in the more liberal haven of Vienna, where they fall in love, navigate the challenges of their newfound independence, and find community in the city’s Jewish quarter.

But Julia’s yearning for a child throws their fragile happiness into chaos and threatens to destroy her life and the lives of those closest to her. Ada Bauer’s wealthy industrialist family have sent her to Dr. Freud in the hope that he can cure her mutism – and do so without a scandal.

But help will soon come for Ada from an unexpected place, changing many lives irrevocably.

Through the lives of her queer characters, and against the changing backdrop of one of the greatest cities of the age, Hitchman asks what it’s like to live through oppression, how personal decisions become political, and how far one will go to protect the ones they love. Moving across Europe and through decades, Hitchman’s sophomore novel is an intensely poignant portrait of life and love on the fringes of history.

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