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ABC of Gender Identity – Devika Dalal


Mae hunaniaeth rhywedd yn rhan bwysig o bwy ydym ni, a sut rydym yn mynegi ein hunain yn y byd. Mae’r llyfr ‘A – Z’ llachar a chwareus hwn yn gyflwyniad i 26 o wahanol rywiau, yng nghwmni darllenwyr ifanc wrth iddynt archwilio a darganfod eu hunain.

Gydag esboniadau syml, canllaw defnyddiol i oedolion gan Dr. Michele Angello, a chast hynod o gymeriadau darluniadol, dyma’r llyfr perffaith ar gyfer dysgu am amrywiaeth rhyw gyda phlant 5+ oed.

A is for Agender, B is for Bigender and C is for Cisgender. Welcome to the ABC of Gender Identity!

Gender identity is an important part of who we are, and how we express ourselves in the world. This bright and playful A – Z book is an introduction to 26 different genders, accompanying young readers as they explore and discover their authentic selves.

With simple explanations, a helpful guide for adults by Dr. Michele Angello, and a quirky cast of illustrated characters, this is the perfect book for learning about gender diversity with children age 5+.

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