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Written on the Body: Letters from Trans and Non-Binary Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence – Lexie Bean


RHYBUDD CYNNWYS: Mae’r llyfr yma yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau tuag at trais domestig ac ymosodiad rhywiol

Wedi’i ysgrifennu gan ac ar gyfer pobl draws ac anneuaidd sy’n oroeswyr o drais domestig ac ymosodiadau rhywiol, mae Written on the Body yn cynnig cymorth, arweiniad a gobaith i’r rhai sy’n ei chael hi’n anodd dod o hyd i ddiogelwch yn y cartref, yn y corff, ac mewn lleoedd annymunol eraill. Mae’r casgliad hwn o lythyrau yn plethu naratifau o rywedd, hunaniaeth a cham-drin ynghyd. Wedi’i ysgrifennu gyda deallusrwydd a chynefindra, mae’r llyfr hwn ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi dod o hyd i bŵer wrth ail-lunio eu cyrff, eu teuluoedd a’u bywydau.

CONTENT WARNING: This book contains references to sexual assault and domestic violence.

Written by and for trans and non-binary survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, Written on the Body offers support, guidance and hope for those who struggle to find safety at home, in the body, and other unwelcoming places. This collection of letters written to body parts weaves together narratives of gender, identity, and abuse. It is the coming together of those who have been fragmented and often met with disbelief. The book holds the concerns and truths that many trans people share while offering space for dialogue and reclamation. Written with intelligence and intimacy, this book is for those who have found power in re-shaping their bodies, families, and lives.

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