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Under the Whispering Door – TJ Klune


Croeso i Charon’s Crossing. Mae’r te yn boeth, mae’r sgons yn ffres a’r meirw’n pasio drwodd. Pan ddaw medelwr i gasglu Wallace o’i angladd anghyfannedd, mae Wallace yn gandryll. Ond mae’n dechrau amau ei bod hi’n iawn, ac mae wedi marw mewn gwirionedd. Yna pan mae Hugo, perchennog siop de, yn addo ei helpu i groesi drosodd, mae Wallace yn anfodlon derbyn y gwir. Er ei fod wedi marw, mae’n gwrthod droi ei gefn ar ei fywyd – er i Wallace dreulio’r cyfan yn gweithio ac yn cywiro cydweithwyr. Nid oedd ganddo amser am bethau hurt fel hwyl a ffrindiau. Ond wrth i Wallace yfed te gyda Hugo a siarad gyda’i gwsmeriaid, mae’n meddwl tybed a oedd yn colli rhywbeth. Mae’r teimlad yn tyfu wrth iddo rannu jôcs gyda’r ysbryd preswyl, yn amlygu esgidiau chwithig a sylwi ar y sêr. Felly pan mae’n derbyn wythnos i basio trwy’r drws i’r ochr arall, mae Wallace yn mynd ati i fyw oes mewn dim ond saith diwrnod.

Welcome to Charon’s Crossing. The tea is hot, the scones are fresh and the dead are just passing through. When a reaper comes to collect Wallace from his own sparsely-attended funeral, Wallace is outraged. But he begins to suspect she’s right, and he is in fact dead. Then when Hugo, owner of a most peculiar tea shop, promises to help him cross over, Wallace reluctantly accepts the truth. Yet even in death, he refuses to abandon his life – even though Wallace spent all of it working, correcting colleagues and hectoring employees. He’d had no time for frivolities like fun and friends. But as Wallace drinks tea with Hugo and talks to his customers, he wonders if he was missing something. The feeling grows as he shares jokes with the resident ghost, manifests embarrassing footwear and notices the stars. So when he’s given one week to pass through the door to the other side, Wallace sets about living a lifetime in just seven days.

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