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Trans: A Memoir – Juliet Jacques


Ym mis Gorffennaf 2012, yn ddeg ar hugain oed, cafodd Juliet Jacques lawdriniaeth ailbennu rhywedd – proses a chofnododd gyda gonestrwydd diysgog mewn colofn papur newydd genedlaethol cyfresol. Mae Trans yn sôn am ei bywyd hyd heddiw: stori o dyfu i fyny, o ddiffinio eich hun, ac am wleidyddiaeth rhywedd sydd o hyd yn newid.

In July 2012, aged thirty, Juliet Jacques underwent sex reassignment surgery-a process she chronicled with unflinching honesty in a serialised national newspaper column. Trans tells of her life to the present moment: a story of growing up, of defining yourself, and of the rapidly changing world of gender politics. Fresh from university, eager to escape a dead-end job and launch a career as a writer, she navigates the treacherous waters of a world where, even in the liberal and feminist media, transgender identities go unacknowledged, misunderstood or worse.

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