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They/Them/Their: A Guide to Nonbinary and Genderqueer Identities – Eris Young


Yn y llyfr hwn, mae Eris Young yn archwilio sut beth yw byw y tu allan i rywedd deuaidd (gender binary) a sut y gall effeithio ar berthynas, ymdeimlad o hunaniaeth, defnydd iaith a mwy.

Mae’n rhannu profiadau a heriau cyffredin sy’n wynebu’r rhai sy’n anneuaidd, a’r hyn y gall ffrindiau, teulu a phobl eraill ei wneud i’w cefnogi. Gan chwalu camsyniadau, mae’r canllaw hwn ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd am ddeall hunaniaethau anneuaidd.

In this insightful and long-overdue book, Eris Young explores what it’s like to live outside of the gender binary and how it can impact on one’s relationships, sense of identity, use of language and more.

Drawing on the author’s own experiences as a nonbinary person, as well as interviews and research, it shares common experiences and challenges faced by those who are nonbinary, and what friends, family and other cisgender people can do to support them. Breaking down misconceptions and providing definitions, the history of nonbinary identities and gender-neutral language, and information on healthcare, this much-needed guide is for anyone wanting to fully understand nonbinary and genderqueer identities.

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