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The New Queer Conscience – Adam Eli


Mae ‘Pocket Change Collection’ yn gyfres o lyfrau bach gyda syniadau mawr gan actifyddion ac artistiaid blaenllaw. Yn The New Queer Conscience, mae sylfaenydd Voices4, Adam Eli, yn cynnig cyflwyniad gonest i gyfrifoldeb cwiar. Mae Eli’n galw ar ei ffydd Iddewig i danlinellu sut y gall caredigrwydd a chefnogaeth o fewn y gymuned cwiar arwain at ymwybyddiaeth fyd-eang gryfach.

Yn bwysicach, mae’n ein sicrhau nad ydym ar ein pennau ein hunain. Doedden ni byth. Achos os ydych chi’n dod am yn cwiar, rydych chi’n dod amdanom ni gyd.

Pocket Change Collective is a series of small books with big ideas from today’s leading activists and artists. In this installment, The New Queer Conscience, Voices4 Founder and LGBTQIA activist Adam Eli offers a candid and compassionate introduction to queer responsibility. Eli calls on his Jewish faith to underline how kindness and support within the queer community can lead to a stronger global consciousness.

More importantly, he reassures us that we’re not alone. In fact, we never were. Because if you mess with one queer, you mess with us all.

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