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The Left Hand of Darkness – Ursula K. LeGuin


RHYBUDD: Mae’r nofel yma yn cynnwys portreadau o drais, marwolaeth, rhyw a rhagfarn.

Yn y stori ffuglen gwyddoniaeth fyd-enwog yma, dilynwch siwrnai llysgennad undeb rhyngalaethog i’r blaned Winter, lle mae rhywedd trigolion y blaned yn newid yn aml. Ei amcan: perswadio eu poblogaeth i ymuno â’r undeb. I wneud hyn, mae rhaid iddo drechu rhagfarn ei hun a cheisio cysylltu â’r bobl yma sy’n hynod wyliadwrus ohono.

CONTENT WARNING: This novel contains depictions of violence, death, sex and prejudice.

In this seminal text, follow the journey of a human ambassador to the planet of Winter, where the gender of the inhabitants is fluid. His goal: to convince the planet and its people to join the intergalactic federation he represents. To do so, he must overcome his own prejudicial views and persuade a whole people that are entirely wary of him.

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