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The Journey Is Home: Notes From a Life on the Edge – John Sam Jones


Cawn ei hanes o’i blentyndod yn Bermo i’r cyfnod cythryblus pan oedd yn fyfyriwr israddedig yn Aberystwyth, o ysgoloriaeth a’i galluogodd i fynd i Berkeley yn San Francisco ar yr adeg pan oedd AIDS yn lledaenu ar ras, cyn dychwelyd i Lerpwl ac i ogledd Cymru i weithio fel caplan ac yna ym maes gwaith cymdeithasol ac iechyd rhyw. Mae’n daith a’i harweiniodd i fod yn awdur a ddefnyddiodd ei brofiadau i greu ffuglen a enillodd wobrau, ac a’i hysgogodd i ddod yn ymgyrchydd, anfoddog braidd, dros hawliau LGBT yng Nghymru. Cawn glywed am yr antur o gadw Gwely a Brecwast yn Bermo, gyda’i ŵr, academydd Almaenig, eu priodas ar ôl partneriaeth hir, a’i gyfnod fel Maer Bermo.

Ddyddiau’n unig ar ôl y Refferendwm ar Ewrop penderfynodd y ddau werthu’r busnes a symud i’r Almaen. Mae taith John Sam yn parhau.

In this clear and absorbing memoir John Sam Jones writes of a life lived on the edge. It is story of journeys and realisation, of acceptance and joy. From a boyhood on the coast of Wales to a traumatic period studying at Aberystwyth, to a scholarship at Berkley in California as the AIDS epidemic began to take hold before returning to Liverpool and north Wales to work in community engagement and sexual health. A journey of becoming a writer and chronicler of his experiences with award-winning books and the desire to become a campaigner for LGBT rights in Wales. The adventure of running a guest house in Barmouth where he eventually became Mayor with his husband, a German academic, who he had married after a long partnership. Three weeks after the European Referendum they put the business on the market and moved to Germany. John is still on that journey.

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