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The Grimrose Girls – Laura Pohl


Stori o phedair arwres chwedlonol wedi’u hail-ddychmygu sy’n gorfod ffurfio eu llwybrau eu hunain… cyn ei bod hi’n rhy hwyr. Ar ôl marwolaeth eu ffriend gorau, mae Ella, Yuki a Rory yn benderfynol o ddarganfod beth ddigwyddod yn eu hysgol elitaidd, Grimrose Académie.

Pan fydd Nani Eszes yn cyrraedd, mae’n cychwyn cyfres o ddigwyddiadau na allai neb fod wedi’u rhagweld. Wrth i’r merched olrhain dyddiau olaf eu ffrind, maen nhw’n darganfod cyfrinach dywyll Grimrose – nid Ariane oedd y ferch gyntaf i farw. Dysgant fod holl lofruddiaethau’r gorffennol yn gysylltiedig â melltithion chwedlonol hynafol… a bod eu tynged eu hunain ynghlwm wrth y straeon, gan dyngedu’r merched i ddiweddglo erchyll, oni bai y gallant dorri’r cylch am byth.

Four troubled friends, One murdered girl… and a dark fate that may leave them all doomed. The Descendants meets Pretty Little Liars in this story of four reimagined fairytale heroines who must uncover connections to their ancient curses and forge their own paths… before it’s too late.

After the mysterious death of their best friend, Ella, Yuki, and Rory are the talk of their elite school, Grimrose Academie. The police ruled Ariane’s death as a suicide, but the trio are determined to find out what really happened.

When Nani Eszes arrives as their newest roommate, it sets into motion a series of events that no one could have predicted. As the girls retrace their friend’s final days, they discover a dark secret about Grimrose-Ariane wasn’t the first dead girl. They soon learn that all the past murders are connected to ancient fairytale curses…and that their own fates are tied to the stories, dooming the girls to brutal and gruesome endings unless they can break the cycle for good.

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