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The Accidental Diary of B. U. G. – Jen Carney


Dyma ddechrau cyfres newydd llawn dŵdlau ac arsylwadau doniol Billie Upton Green. Mae Billie yn dangos y ferch newydd o gwmpas ysgol, ond mae Billie yn amheus ohoni – mae hi’n ymmdangos yn agos iawn i Layla, ffrind gorau Billie. Ac mae’n swnio bo’ hi’n gwybod tipyn bach gormod am ladrad pwrs Mrs Robinson…

Enter the hilarious world of Billie Upton Green . . .

The start of an exciting new series full of Billie’s laugh-out-loud observations and doodles!There is a new girl at Billie’s school, and Billie takes it upon herself to show her around, teach her the Biscuit Laws, and remind her that yes, two women can get married (after all, Billie’s mums’ wedding is the event of the year). But then suspicion sets in. The new girl seems very close to Billie’s best friend Layla.

And doesn’t she know a little too much about the latest big school heist – the theft of Mrs Robinson’s purse…?

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