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Small Town Pride – Phil Stamper


Gan yr awdur poblogaid Phil Stamper (The Gravity of Us) daw nofel gyntaf dod-i-oed, gradd ganolig, am ddod o hyd i’ch lle, defnyddio’ch llais, a gwir ystyr balchder.

Mae Jake newydd ddechrau mwynhau bywyd fel plentyn cyntaf ei ysgol sy’m agored am fod yn hoyw. Tra bod ei deulu a’i ffrindiau’n gefnogol, ni ellir dweud yr un peth am bawb yn eu tref fechan, Barton Springs, Ohio.

Pan fydd tad Jake yn hongian baner balchder mawr yn ei iard mewn sioe o gariad, mae’r maer yn dechrau derbyn cwynion. Mae ychydig o bobl hyd yn oed yn poeni y bydd y faner yn arwain at rywbeth gwirioneddol ryfeddol: gorymdaith falchder.

Ond nid yw Jake yn meddwl bod hwnnw’n syniad mor chwerthinllyd. Pam na allant gynnal gŵyl falchder yn Barton Springs? Y broblem yw, mae Jake yn gwybod y bydd yn rhaid iddo gael cefnogaeth y cyngor tref, ac ni fydd y maer ar ei ochr. Ac wrth i Jake a’i ffrindiau geisio dod â Balchder i Barton Springs, mae mab y maer, Brett, yn sydyn eisiau treulio amser gyda Jake. Ond ni allai rhywun mor giwt fod mewn cynghrair â’i fam faer, a allai?

From acclaimed author Phil Stamper (The Gravity of Us and As Far as You’ll Take Me) comes a poignant coming-of-age, contemporary middle grade debut novel about finding your place, using your voice, and the true meaning of pride. Perfect for fans of Rick by Alex Gino and The Best at It by Maulik Pancholy.

Jake is just starting to enjoy life as his school’s first openly gay kid. While his family and friends are accepting and supportive, the same can’t be said about everyone in their small town of Barton Springs, Ohio.

When Jake’s dad hangs a comically large pride flag in their front yard in an overblown show of love, the mayor begins to receive complaints. A few people are even concerned the flag will lead to something truly outlandish: a pride parade.

Except Jake doesn’t think that’s a ridiculous idea. Why can’t they hold a pride festival in Barton Springs? The problem is, Jake knows he’ll have to get approval from the town council, and the mayor won’t be on his side. And as Jake and his friends try to find a way to bring Pride to Barton Springs, it seems suspicious that the mayor’s son, Brett, suddenly wants to spend time with Jake.

But someone that cute couldn’t possibly be in league with his mayoral mother, could he?

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