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Queer Life, Queer Love gol. gan/ed. by Matt Bates + Golnoosh Nour + Sarah & Kate Beal


Mae’r flodeugerdd yn cynnwys 42 o straeon, darnau ffeithiol, ffuglen fflach a barddoniaeth, y cynigion buddugol o gystadleuaeth ryngwladol i ddal y gorau o ysgrifennu Cwiar heddiw. Dyma ysgrifennu sy’n archwilio cymeriadau, straeon a phrofiadau y tu hwnt i’r brif ffrwd. Yn dathlu’r hynod ddiddorol, y gwaharddedig, y gwrthdroadol, a hyd yn oed y cyffredin, ond yn ei hanfod, yr olygfa o’r tu allan.

The anthology comprises 42 stories, non-fiction pieces, flash fiction and poetry, the winning entries from an international competition to capture the best of Queer writing today. This is writing that explores characters, stories and experiences beyond the mainstream. Celebrating the fascinating, the forbidden, the subversive, and even the mundane, but in essence, the view from outside.

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