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Nen and the Lonely Fisherman – Ian Eagleton + James Mayhew


O dan y tonnau sibrwd ac allan i’r môr, mae môr-was o’r enw Nen yn byw. Mae’n treulio’i amser yn archwilio’i deyrnas o dan y dŵr, ond mae rhywbeth ar goll – mae ei galon yn wag. Felly, mae Nen yn mentro i’r arwyneb ac yn dod o hyd i bysgotwr unig o’r enw Ernest.

Ond all dau berson o fydoedd wahanol byw gyda’i gilydd? A beth fydd yn digwydd pan mae storm ffyrnig yn dechrau ffyrfio?

Far out to sea and deep below the whispering waves lives a merman called Nen. Nen spends his days exploring his underwater kingdom, but something is missing: his heart is empty. So, Nen ventures to the forbidden world above and it is here that he meets Ernest, a lonely fisherman.

But can two people from different worlds be together and what will happen when a terrifying storm gathers? A lyrical, beautiful celebration of love, acceptance and faith, with a gentle message about how we treat our oceans, and each other.

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