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Loveless – Alice Oseman


Dydw i erioed wedi ffansio neb. Dim merched, dim bechgyn, dim un person roeddwn i erioed wedi cyfarfod. Beth oedd hynny yn olygu?

Nid yw Georgia erioed wedi bod mewn cariad, erioed wedi cusanu rhywun, ond fel rhamantydd, mae’n siwr bydd hi’n dod o hyd i’w pherson rhyw ddydd. Wrth iddi ddechrau yn y brifysgol, mae Georgia’n barod i ddod o hyd i ramant.

Ond wrth i’w chynllun rhamant ddryllio hafoc ymhlith ei ffrindiau, mae Georgia’n dechrau cwestiynu pam fod cariad yn ymddangos mor hawdd i bobl eraill ond nid iddi hi. Gyda thermau newydd yn cael eu taflu ati – anrhywiol, aromantig – mae Georgia’n fwy ansicr o’i theimladau nag erioed. Mae’r stori ddoeth a chynnes hon am hunaniaeth a hunan-dderbyniad gan Alice Oseman yn dangos nad yw gwir gariad wedi’i gyfyngu i ramant.

It was all sinking in. I’d never had a crush on anyone.

No boys, no girls, not a single person I had ever met. What did that mean? Georgia has never been in love, never kissed anyone, never even had a crush – but as a fanfic-obsessed romantic she’s sure she’ll find her person one day. As she starts university with her best friends, Pip and Jason, in a whole new town far from home, Georgia’s ready to find romance, and with her outgoing roommate on her side and a place in the Shakespeare Society, her ‘teenage dream’ is in sight.

But when her romance plan wreaks havoc amongst her friends, Georgia ends up in her own comedy of errors, and she starts to question why love seems so easy for other people but not for her. With new terms thrown at her – asexual, aromantic – Georgia is more uncertain about her feelings than ever. Is she destined to remain loveless? Or has she been looking for the wrong thing all along? This wise, warm and witty story of identity and self-acceptance sees Alice Oseman on towering form as Georgia and her friends discover that true love isn’t limited to romance.

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