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Life Isn’t Binary: On Being Both, Beyond, and In-Between – Meg-John Barker + Alex Iantaffi


Mae meddwl cymdeithas yn gweithredu mewn modd anhyblyg a deuaidd; mae rhywbeth yn dda neu’n ddrwg, yn gywir neu’n anghywir, yn llwyddiant neu’n fethiant, ac ati. Gan herio’r ffordd gyfyngedig hon o feddwl, mae’r llyfr arloesol hwn yn edrych ar sut y gellir cymhwyso dulliau meddwl anneuaidd i bob agwedd o fywyd, a chynnig ffyrdd newydd o ddeall ein hunain a sut rydym yn uniaethu ag eraill. Gan ddefnyddio profiadau deurywiol ac anneuaidd fel man cychwyn, mae’r llyfr hwn yn mynd i’r afael â’r materion allweddol ynghylch ein perthnasoedd, cyrff, emosiynau, lles a’n hymdeimlad o hunaniaeth ac mae’n nodi arferion a allai ein helpu i feddwl mewn ffyrdd mwy anneuaidd.

Much of society’s thinking operates in a highly rigid and binary manner; something is good or bad, right or wrong, a success or a failure, and so on. Challenging this limited way of thinking, this ground-breaking book looks at how non-binary methods of thought can be applied to all aspects of life, and offer new and greater ways of understanding ourselves and how we relate to others. Using bisexual and non-binary gender experiences as a starting point, this book addresses the key issues with binary thinking regarding our relationships, bodies, emotions, wellbeing and our sense of identity and sets out a range of practices which may help us to think in more non-binary, both/and, or uncertain ways. A truly original and insightful piece, this guide encourages reflection on how we view and understand the world we live in and how we all bend, blur or break society’s binary codes.

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