Weight | 534 g |
Let’s Not Do That Again – Grant Ginder
Mae Nancy Harrison yn rhedeg i’r Senedd, ac mae hi’n mynd i ennill. Mae hi wedi dweud y pethau iawn. Wedi pasio’r holl ddeddfwriaeth gywir. Wedi cusanu babanod. Dim ond un broblem sydd: ei phlant sydd wedi tyfu.
Mae Greta a Nick Harrison ar goll. Mae Nick yn gwegian yn ei ymdrechion i ysgrifennu sioe gerdd am fywyd Joan Didion (o’r enw Hello to All That!). Ac yna mae ei chwaer fach Greta. Yn glyfar, yn bert, ac yn gwbl ddigymhelliant, gan ganiatáu i’w bywyd fynd heibio iddi fel y siopwyr yn y siop Apple lle mae’n gweithio.
Un bore mae’r byd yn deffro nid i Nancy wneud penawdau, ond ei merch, Greta. Mae hi ym Mharis. Gyda phrotestwyr eithafol. Yn taflu potel o siampên drwy ffenestr flaen bistro annwyl. Er mwyn achub ei hymgyrch, heb sôn am ei merch, rhaid i Nancy a Nick ddod o hyd i Greta cyn ei bod hi’n rhy hwyr.
Yn glyfar, yn ddoniol, ac yn rhyfeddol o dyner, mae Let’s Not Do That Again yn dangos bod teulu, fel gwleidyddiaeth, yn gallu brifo.
Nancy Harrison is running for Senate, and she’s going to win, goddamnit. Not that that’s her slogan, although it could be. She’s said all the right things. Passed all the right legislation. Chapped her lips kissing babies. There’s just one problem: her grown children.
Greta and Nick Harrison are adrift. Nick is floundering in his attempts to write a musical about the life of Joan Didion (called Hello to All That!). And then there’s his little sister Greta. Smart, pretty, and completely unmotivated, allowing her life to pass her by like the shoppers at the Apple store where she works.
One morning the world wakes up not to Nancy making headlines, but her daughter, Greta. She’s in Paris. With extremist protestors. Throwing a bottle of champagne through a beloved bistro’s front window. In order to save her campaign, not to mention her daughter, Nancy and Nick must find Greta before it’s too late.
Smart, funny, and surprisingly tender, Let’s Not Do That Again shows that family, like politics, can hurt like a mother.