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Less – Andrew Sean Greer


Less yw stori am awdur 49 oed, Arthur Less. Wedi’i ddal mewn cylch di-baid ac yn cael ei orfodi i gyfweld ag ysgrifenwyr ffilmiau am ddim ffi, mae bywyd Arthur mewn stad. Yna, i wneud pethau’n waeth, mae’n dysgu bod ei gyn-gariad ar fin priodi…

Less is the story of a 49-year-old writer, Arthur Less. Caught in a cycle of bad reviews and reduced to interviewing blockbuster-writing hacks for no fee, Arthur’s life is in freefall. Then, to crown his descent, he learns that his former boyfriend is about to get married. Determined to avoid the wedding – and heartbreak – at all costs, he decides to embark on a trip around the world, accepting invitations to a series of half-baked lectures and literary events.

From almost falling in love in Paris, almost falling to death in Berlin, to booking himself as the (only) writer on a residency in India, and an encounter in a desert with the last person on earth he wishes to see, Less is a novel about missteps, misunderstanding and mistakes.

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