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Kiss & Tell – Adib Khorram


Doedd Hunter byth yn disgwyl bod yn seren pop, ond, wel, dyna fe. Mae ef a’i fand ‘Kiss & Tell’ ar eu taith fawr gyntaf o amgylch Gogledd America (ac yn cael sylw gan y wasg cleclyd ledled Gogledd America hefyd). Hunter yw’r unig aelod hoyw o’r band, ac mae newydd torri lan gyda’i gariad cyntaf – gyda’r torcalon a’r secstiau’n gyhoeddus – a nawr mae pawb yn disgwyl iddo bod yn model rôl cwiar perffaith.

Ond nid yw Hunter yn siwr beth mae hynny’n golygu. A yw’n golygu gwisgo i fyny beth bynnag y mae’r Label yn dweud wrtho am wisgo ar gyfer tynnu lluniau ac esgus i beidio â chael rhyw? (Yn anffodus, ydy.) A yw’n golygu dod o hyd i gymuned ymhlith y plant cwiar yn y cyfarfod a chyfarch ar ôl sioeau K&T? (Yn ffodus, ydy.) Ydy e’n cynnwys perthynas newydd gyda Kaivan, drymiwr y band sy’n agor i K&T ar daith? (Mae’n gobeithio.) Ond pan fydd The Label yn dod i wybod am Hunter a Kaivan, mae’n peri trafferth i’w perthynas, i’r bachgen hoyw perffaith y mae Hunter yn chwarae i’r camerâu, ac, yn bwysicaf oll, i Hunter ei hun.

Hunter never expected to be a boy band star, but, well, here he is. He and his band Kiss & Tell are on their first major tour of North America, playing arenas all over the United States and Canada (and getting covered by the gossipy press all over North America as well). Hunter is the only gay member of the band, and he just had a very painful breakup with his first boyfriend–leaked sexts, public heartbreak, and all–and now everyone expects him to play the perfect queer role model for teens.

But Hunter isn’t really sure what being the perfect queer kid even means. Does it mean dressing up in whatever The Label tells him to wear for photo shoots and pretending never to have sex? (Unfortunately, yes.) Does it mean finding community among the queer kids at the meet-and-greets after K&T’s shows? (Fortunately, yes.) Does it include a new relationship with Kaivan, the drummer for the band opening for K&T on tour? (He hopes so.) But when The Label finds out about Hunter and Kaivan, it spells trouble-for their relationship, for the perfect gay boy Hunter plays for the cameras, and, most importantly, for Hunter himself.

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