Weight | 184 g |
In Their Shoes – Jamie Windhurst
Gan gyfuno hanesion calonnog gyda doethineb, mae Jamie Windust yn archwilio popeth o ffasiwn, dêtio, perthnasoedd a theulu, hyd at iechyd meddwl, gwaith a dadleuon allweddol y dyfodol. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn alwad i’r gad i bobl anneuaidd am hunan-dderbyn, hunan-werthfawrogiad a hunan-ddathliad.
Combining light-hearted anecdotes with their own hard-won wisdom, Jamie Windust explores everything from fashion, dating, relationships and family, through to mental health, work and future key debates. From trying on clothes in secret to iconic looks, first dates to polyamorous liaisons, passports to pronouns, Jamie shows you how to navigate the world and your evolving identity in every type of situation.
Frank, funny, and brilliantly feisty, this must-read book is a call to arms for non-binary self-acceptance, self-appreciation and self-celebration.